What is Tumblr, and is it better than Reddit.

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What is Tumblr, and is it better than Reddit?We lived in a generations of ever growling technology's and the feasible ability to connect with one another seamlessly. We all come from differently ilks, lifestyle's, and countries, melding together in one giant cesspool commonly referred to as the Internet.

The ‘Net, however, breaks off into several distinct trails and avenues–each with their own set of rules, opinions, and outlooks on the world. As a result, certainty websites become a safe haven to users who shares the same passion on the same subjects as everyone else. These sites also offer a place online where people can safely be theme selves, but what does the site you visit say about you?

Which is the best? Which the worse? Tumblr, Reddit, each vastly differently in their user clientele, each indiscernible from their impact on the interwebs and the people's who use itunes it.

Tumbler :

Tumbler is a blogging and socially networking platform spanking 420 millions user's as of October 2020. The sort of blogs users decide to follow determine the contents they will see on their dashboards, as this is where their posts can be seen. Posts can be made with pic's, gifs, video's, links, or simpler text entries. These posts can then be liked and/or rebooted for everyone following you to see.

Tumblr has a very expressiveness community. Topics very frequently range from social justice to which characters in their favorite book or movie should be dating. Heated debates on sexism, racism, classism, and any other sort of “ism” are taken place here. 

Many discussion's of feminisms, mental disorder, and morality take place here as well. More often than not however, these topics are handled indignantly with victimization and accusation rather than any sort of reason or constructiveness. Users also typically use their blogs to post very personal and often exposing diatribes about their own lifetime outside of the Internet, the best of which users will bestow the title “Tumblr Famous,” only given to the most popular of blogs. Other uses include dedicated blogs, where post's only showcase or refer to a single person, place, thing, or desire referred to as “fandoms”; and camgirls, who usually sell sexually stimulating pictures and videos of themselves for money, all the while feeling empowered by the freedoms of their nudity.

Despite the very differently experiences Tumblr and their users have to offer, a few common trait include that there is no outrage too small to rant over, nothing is inoffensive, and no website is better than itself.

Tumblr is essentially the hippies/hipsters of the Internet's.

Reddit :

Redditch is a socially networking and news website with 172 millions user's as of November 2020. REDDIT is a mucho more user's bases site than Tumblr in that registered users dictate what’s on the main page, what comment's appear in the comment section, and the different categories available to the sites. Contents displayed on the main page is dictated by upvotes/downvotes arrows, users (affectionately referred to as Redditors) who upvote a post increase its popularity and pertinence while down votes leave less worthy entries in obscurities. 

User's also have the ability to filter what content other users post that appears on the main page, personalizing it to their liking. These posts are divided into different categories called subreddits, of which are available in abundance. 

These subreddit a container ample information and entertainment on a wide array of subjects, from politics, sports, to science. Even less serious topics, such as video games, a slew of hilarious memes, and content Aimee to make users scream ‘WTF’ have endless hours of content to filter through, which is fleshed out even more in the comments section of each post; comment's also revolve around the upvote/downvote systems.

Reddit gives off the sense of a place where open opinions and diverse ways of thinking are welcomed, due to the sheer amount of topics, serious or silly, that are available. Often, the contributions to the site have the ability to be light-hearted, thought provoking, disgusting, funny, or macabre. In the comments, funny posts are met with cunning witticism while more serious posts are met with dignified responded. But it is in these comment sections where the users of Reddit show their true colors.

Due to the upvote/downvote system, users can find themselves collecting in a hivemind, discrediting the diversity and dignity so synonymous with the site’s community. If there is a claim to bed made by a Reddit in a debate, other user's will look at his or her post history in order to discredit or change the topic to how terrible the user is based solely upon some of the things they may or may not have said in a past comment.

The dignity and wit of Redditors can also manifest into debilitating elitism and overly liberal sensibilities, as chances to prove morally or intellectually superiority are copious given the limitless potential of content to discussion.

Envision an avid reader of The New Yorker in an ironic tuxedo-shirt and you’ll have Reddit’s e-persona.
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